
After adopting a teenage girl earlier this year by promising her mother I will be the best parent I can possibly be for her, parenthood has changed my strategy of persuasion for progressive politics. All the cons in the world could not persuade adults to stop voting for Republican and Democrat.

The best way forward for our country is to leave behind the disgraced Republican and Democrat parties. The parties that are the leaders of Greed and Corruption. In my research to become President of the United States, I have learned that the people who are loyal to voting for the lesser of evils are a lost cause. Children are better educated than adults these days when I hear children speak of never voting Republican and Democrat. It is children that give me hope for better days, and it is because of children I have the courage to never give up the fight for a better future for us. Commence the Political Club for Children… I promise there will be better leaders.

If you are a parent who does not mind your child being on social media, having fun in the discussion of politics if we were in charge, and your child wants to be involved, please contact me. Children of all ages are welcome.

I love my people and thank you for listening.